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Cat Painting

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Crocodile eating child

Crocodile and Child

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Crocodile and frog

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Cat chilling on the beach

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I got your ball cat

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Cute Cat on bed

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Black cat trying to eating

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Wrestler Cat

Wrestler Cat

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Cat Health

You want your little pussy to be healthy all the time. But like human beings cats too face general health problems. But taking care of small things you can go a long way in keeping your cat hale and hearty.

Annual Check up: Have a thorough annual check up of your pussy done by an experienced vet. This should include examination of the cat's body, from nose to tail; weighing and taking its temperature; listening to the cats heart and lungs; checking for abnormal discharges from any bodily orifices, including eyes and nose; checking its teeth, gums and ears; inspecting for parasites and abscesses; feeling the cats internal organs. Stool test should also be conducted to test the presence of parasites.

Vaccination: Get your cat vaccinated against all the common diseases.

Excessive licking and grooming: Excessive licking and grooming can have several causes: stress, food allergies, and more. The first step is to take the cat to a vet to determine whether it's a health or behavior problem. Many cats are allergic to corn, a main ingredient in most dried cat foods. If an allergy is suspected change the cat's food and watch for improvements in your cat's coat and behavior. Your vet can suggest brands of food that will help the most. If the licking is due to stress, try to remove the source, or simply manage the stress.

Poisonous House Plants: Be cautious when choosing houseplants for your home, if you have kitties or children. The Berries on Mistletoe are poisonous to cats and humans. Other dangerous plants to cats include: Diffenbachia, Poinsettia, English ivy, Crocus, and others.

Neutering/Spaying: Get your cat neutered or spayed preferably at the age of 6-7 months

Increased Thirst: Increased thirst is an indicator of diabetes, kidney or liver problems, and these are important to consider with the health care of an elderly cat. Although an older cat needs fewer calories and more fluids as he ages, it is better to consult a veterinarian and go for a thorough checkup.

Controlling Hairballs: Hairballs are a problem mostly in longhaired cats. Hairballs are caused by too much hair in the cat's stomach from their own grooming. Daily brush your cat, especially during the warm months of the year to prevent hairballs. If the problem still persists take your cat to a vet.

Ear mite: Ear mites are highly infectious little pests that feed on the lining of the ear canals. Its symptoms include scratching behind the ear and inside the ear; a dark brown wax inside the ear; and other signs that are not visible without the special equipment a vet uses. Take the cat to a vet immediately if you suspect that she has an ear mite. Persistent medication is required to treat ear mites.

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Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Buzz

Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Buzz

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Learn The Secrets To Keeping Your cat Healthy and Happy

Keeping a cat as a pet is a very rewarding experience. Cats can provide comfort, companionship, even entertainment. However, when something goes wrong and your feline friend is not feeling well, the results can be devastating. Fortunately, there are several simple things you can do to help keep your cat healthy and happy.

Keeping your cat up-to-date on the necessary vaccinations will go a long way toward keeping your cat healthy and happy. Vaccinations ("shots") can help keep your cat from getting many of the serious diseases which can make your cat sick, or even perhaps threaten your cat's life.

Your cat's individual lifestyle and situation will determine which vaccinations your cat needs to have and how often these vaccines need to be given. Your cat's veterinarian can help you determine what is right for your cat. Do not make the mistake of assuming that your cat does not need vaccinations if your cat lives indoors and never goes outside. This is simply not true, and there are diseases which your cat may be at risk for even if he/she never ventures outside.

Nothing is more frustrating than watching your cat suffer through an illness that could easily have been prevented. If you do not know which vaccinations your cat needs, or whether your cat is up-to-date on these vaccines, please contact your veterinarian right now to find out.

Your cat also needs to be tested for feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus (also called feline AIDS). These viruses are common and are passed from one cat to another. The viruses can be passed to kittens from their mother as well. A positive test for either of these viruses indicates that your cat has been exposed to that particular virus.

If your cat is positive, his/her immune system may be compromised and your cat needs to observed even more closely. Veterinary care should be sought at the first sign of even mild disease symptoms. A positive test also indicates that your cat could potentially spread the disease to other cats, so your cat should be isolated from other cats if he/she is positive for either feline leukemia or feline AIDS.

Fleas and ticks can not only make your cat very itchy and uncomfortable, they can also carry disease which can cause serious illness for your cat. In addition to causing problems for your cat, fleas and ticks can also attack people, and can spread disease to us as well. You should make a habit of checking your cat's coat regularly for fleas and ticks and act immediately if you find evidence of these creatures on your cat.

Fortunately, with the products we have available today, controlling or, better yet, preventing fleas and ticks is very simple. There are many products available that are safe, effective, and simple to use. Often, monthly application is all that is needed. Even cats which live indoors can get fleas. Fleas are small enough to sneak inside very easily. Preventing fleas and ticks will help keep your cat comfortable and healthy.

Preventing intestinal parasites, commonly called "worms", is also important in keeping your cat healthy. Finding out whether your cat has worms is as easy as collecting a sample from your cat's litter box and taking it to your cat's veterinarian for testing. You should do this regularly. If you see worms in your cat's feces, you should collect the worm, along with the feces, and take it to your cat's veterinarian. However, you should not assume that your cat does not have worms because you are not seeing them yourself. Your veterinarian will use special laboratory techniques to check for worm eggs which you cannot see.

Spaying or neutering your cat is another simple way to help keep your cat healthy. Spaying your female cat not only keeps your cat from coming into "heat" and becoming pregnant, but spaying also provides many health benefits for your cat. Spayed cats do not develop the serious, life-threatening uterine infections which are fairly common in cats which are not spayed. And spaying your cat at a young age will also dramatically lower the chances of breast cancer occurring later in life.

For male cats, neutering helps prevent unwanted litters of kittens. However, it also makes living with your male cat more pleasant. The odor of your cat's urine will be more tolerable if neutered, and he is not as likely to "spray" (urinate) inside of your house. He is also more likely to stay at home and less likely to get into cat fights if neutered. Neutering (or spaying) your cat will only improve your cats personality.

Regular physical examinations by your cat's veterinarian are also mandatory to help keep your cat healthy. Often, a thorough physical examination will find evidence of a health problem while the problem is still in the early stages. Many illnesses are more easily treated when detected early, and treatment is often more successful as well. Finding and treating health problems early can save your cat a great deal of suffering and even extend your cat's life by many years.

Lorie Huston has been a veterinarian for over 20 years, working with both dogs and cats. She emphasizes the use of routine preventive pet health care to keep your pets healthy and safe. Lorie is the owner, editor, and webmaster of The Pet Med Site: www.thepetmedsite.com/cat-health/ Copyright The Pet Med Site.

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Cat Health And Cat Care Tips

Poor cat health can be easily avoided with a little attention to good cat care and will extend the life of your pet, and save you money on veterinary bills. Although most cats are strong and independent pets, they still need your help to stay healthy and fit.

If you have cat health questions, we have some helpful answers. The best way to keep your cat healthy is exercise, access to fresh water, and nutritious food. Even if your cat stays indoors, make sure they have toys and proper cat scratching post. Something as simple as a rolled up sock or small ball to roll around can keep your cat amused for hours.

Indoor cats love to look out the windows and watch what's going on in the world. It's like a cat TV and making it easy for your cat to watch the world is important. You can clear a spot or even make a small platform in front of favorite windows to give your cat easy access.

Try to keep the table scraps to a minimum and always keep any toxic materials safely stored away. Cats health care is about proper feeding and providing a safe environment. Indoor plants seem to be a favorite of some cats so pay attention to what plants you have out and make sure they are harmless.

If you have any good cat care advice, cat care, or kitten care tips, please send us details and we'll be happy to post it on our site. If you have any cat health questions not already answered, please submit them. And any good recommendations on any cats health care issues, cat health problems, cat grooming, or home remedies are welcome.

We have three sections on different categories of Cat information. Cat Health, Cat Care, and Cats As Pets. Each section has information to help you deal with your cat and the may aspects of pet ownership. We do plan on adding some more specific breed information soon.

We also have some great home recipes for Healthy Homemade Cat Food and Treats that you can make for your cat. The Healthy Homemade Cat Food Recipes are in PDF format (Adobe Reader) and can be downloaded from our Cat Books and Cat Resources web page. There are also several articles on cat food that can help you decide what's the best food for your pet.

Sick Cat Symptoms - Caution!
This website (or any other website for that matter) can not do a proper diagnoses of any serious cat illness because they can't examine the cat. We can answer many cat health questions but cannot diagnosis specific problems. The web is a great place to do research, get help on prevention, and general cat care. But it should never be used as a replacement for emergency treatment of a serious medical condition or illness by a trained professional. If your cat is exhibiting any of the following cat illness symptoms, you should immediately seek professional medical treatment from a local veterinarian.

not eating or drinking in the past 18 hours

A normally social cat displays abnormal behavior like hissing,
hiding, and/or seeking dark places to hide.

Vomiting beyond the occasional hairball or eating too fast

Showing signs of breathing improperly or coughing continuously.

Any of these cat symptoms can indicate a serious and even life threatening illness or injury to your cat. Knowing your cat's normal behavior and noticing any serious deviation is a sure sign of a serious medical issue. Many cats don't exhibit cat health symptoms until the situation is past any normal treatments and will require some quick action on your part to remedy the situation. We highly recommend you seek professional medical help as soon as possible if your cat exhibits any of the cat illness symptoms above.

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Does the undercover mouse induce and sharpen the hunting habits of the cat

It is proved beyond doubt that the cats have the hunting nature. It is imbibed in the genes. They are natural predators. The tiger is also called as big cat as it belongs to the feline family. This goes to prove that the cats do process hunting habits naturally. They love to run and chase the prey.

Hunting is ok for the street cat or the wild cat. What the domesticated cats will do for hunting? If there is any mouse in the same house, then it is fine for them. Even if there is a puppy in the house they can play and practice mock chasing.

If mice and puppy dog is not at home, the cat will find it difficult to satisfy their hunting nature or we can say the hunting urge. The pet owners have nothing to ponder much; there are moving mice toys available in the market at affordable price and with excellent quality. These mouse toy cab be batted around with the cat's paw and the cat can even pounce on them and can do all to satisfy their hunting urge.

The best toy of its kind that is available is the market is undercover mouse. The undercover mouse was accredited as the best cat toy for the year 2008 by the famous Americans pet products manufacturers association.

The undercover mouse can move back and forth frantically in perpetual motion which can do enough to tease, tempt and invite the cat to play with it. Those who have purchased this toy have completely satisfied with its performance, without exception. The toy works on battery and can work hours together. The toy can also be charged at home. The toy was made up of non-toxic material and has no sharp edges thus giving no chance for the kittens to get harmed. The kittens enjoy their play with this toy as it performs the functions of real mouse as close as possible.
Undercover mouse not only satisfies the cat's hunting urge but also keeps the cat s mental health and physical health in good shape. Hence there is no second opinion in considering this toy as boon to the cat pet owners.

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Get To Know About Halitosis In Cats For Better Cat Health Care

Halitosis is the medical term for the condition called bad breath. As the name suggest the bad smell or the odor emanating from the month of the cat is termed as bad breath condition. This smell in general due to the bad hygiene but one can't rule out the influence of certain disease condition.

Products are plenty to deal with this unwanted bad breath condition of the feline. Tooth brushes and pastes help. Cat's breath drops do minimize the ill effects of bad breath. The tartars of the canine teeth can also be reason, which can be treated effectively using cat treats.

Reasons For Cat Bad Breath
It is imperative to first find out the real cause of the bad breath. There are many disease condition that lead to bad breath. Inflammation of the gum, called, as gingivitis is one such condition. Tooth abscess, hair or any other material that gets struck in the tooth, oral ulcer, foreign objects such as grass or plant material, mouth tumors both benign or malignant, lung cancer and many other diseases of lung, and even some kidney diseases can be the cause for bad breath.

We can watch for certain symptoms to understand the cause and effects of bad breath. Those are such as pain of the mouth, discharge from mouth, bloody discharge from the mouth, depression, swallowing difficulty, drooling, etc


For any disease condition the diagnosis is the key. The underlying cause needs to be ascertained for treatment and prevention of any disease, which holds good for bad breath too. Few tests and examination is imperative. They are such as complete mouth x-rays, thorough medical examination which includes physical examination of the animal as well as medical history, periodontal probing which is nothing but test performed to find out tooth or gum interference that helps in identifying periodontal or gum diseases and thorough examination of the oral cavity which may require anesthesia.

As we discussed already at length, the knowledge of the underlying cause helps for effective and quick teartment. The treatment differs with the cause of the bad breath In case the bad breath is due foreign object; removal of the same is required. If the tumor of the mouth is the cause, the tumor needs to be treated. Cleaning and scraping of the teeth portion that is below the gum level clears the problem at times.

Prevention Of Cat Bad Breath
Everyone is aware prevention is better than cure. Here are some tips for preventing the bad breath. Daily brushing of your cat's teeth will help you to get rid of halitosis. For performing daily brushing there are special toothbrushes, finger brushes in market. Mouth sprays such as chlorhexidine can be used once in a day for a week or ten days. Some special diets do prevent the bad breath. For all this, wise decision is to take the advice of the experienced vet.

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Dealing With the Hairballs in Pet Cat

The hairball problem is very common in the cats especially the ones that developed long hairs; I mean the long hair breeds. Per se the long haired breeds are preferred and loved by many which is the reason they long to have one at their house. Then there is no way; they can avoid having this problem. But, there is no need to get bogged by the problem, which can be addressed by many ways. Let’s discuss about it here.

Trichobezoar is the medical name of the hairball. The fur ball is the other common name for the same. These hairballs developed and do enter the digestive system off the cat, while they use their wet toque to groom their hair or to lick their body for some other reason. It may be vice in some cats.

The hair that had rolled in to a ball or mat causes various gastro intestinal disorders and disturbances as we all know the hair can't be disgusted. If the hair ball gets struck in the pathway between the food and stomach the disturbances are different in nature [ indigestion, and if the hair balls gets struck in the intestine, the disturbances are different[ constipation].

Treatments are aplenty, there is no need to ponder much or get troubled. In any case prevention is the best option for any trouble. Hence frequent grooming is the best for prevention of hair ball problem in cat. There different combs are available in the market. Just buy the one that suits your liking and go about the job regularly and diligently.

Hairball products are available freely in the market. They are mostly products that are petroleum based. These products just duplicated the function of laxatives and lubricants there by assisting the pet cat to flush out the hairballs. Hairballs products are produced keeping in mind the liking of the cat. Hence the taste attracts the cat to consume the same without any hesitation. These products are at times applied on the cat's paw so that the animal can lick it up at will, which solves the trouble of administering the same forcefully to the animal.

The cats can also be given hairball treats such as pounce that contain mineral oil. This mineral oil helps to break the hairball there by making it easy for flushing out. Recently few pet food companies have introduced specific special food for the cats with frequent fur ball or hair ball problems. The vets need to be consulted before deciding on purchasing them, which makes sense.

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Cat Health Pregnant Signs

The likelihood of your queen cat towards pregnancy is very strong if your cat in the heat has access to a Tomcat. You can simply notice the pregnant signs in your queen both physical and personality changes. You can easily remember the cat gestation period with human gestation period as the former will go up to nine weeks and the later up to nine months.

Pregnant cat physical changes

Abdominal enlargement
Your pregnant cat’s abdomen will start to swell noticeably around the fifth week of pregnancy, and it will continue to enlarge up to the time of birth.

Frequent vomiting
There are few case studies that some of the queen cats showed possible vomiting signs, much as human mothers-to-be. If your queen exhibits the vomiting signs frequently, simple call your veterinarian office will ease the situation.

Increased Appetite
Your pregnant cat exhibits signs of increased appetite during the period of gestation, as it consumes more food not for its health but also for its fetus’s well-being.

Pinking of nipples
The most significant cat health pregnant signs include swollen nipple with rose to pink discoloration.

Cessation of heat cycle
The sudden stoppage of heat cycle of your female cat will be the first and foremost sign you may notice.

Pregnant Cat-Personality Changes
The cat health pregnant signs can also be noticeable with the change in the personality of the female cat. You could notice the nesting behavior during the terminal stages of pregnancy and also increased affection through out the stages of pregnancy. It will try all ways and means to attract your attention towards her.

Confirmative Diagnosis of Pregnancy
If your cat receives regular veterinary care, there is no need to panic about the cat health pregnancy signs, unless you have cause to alarm something is wrong.

Usually a vet can easily palpate the gravid abdomen around the 17th-20th day of pregnancy. Gentle pressing is necessary to identify the fetuses. In addition to this, you can subject your queen cat for ultrasonography. You can simply diagnose the presence of fetus through this diagnostic tool at the earliest possible time say, second week of pregnancy. The fetal heartbeat can be noticed after the third week through this technique. Happy Kittens!!!

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Home Remedy for Cat Urine Removal

Most of the cat owners may break their head- how to get rid of cat urine smell? There is no proven medication to cure this condition in your home. But home remedy for cat urine smell removal is available even from good olden days. Home remedy for cat urine removal includes various substances and chemicals.

Why cat urine smells?

Urine is organic in nature. Cats are peeing in so many places in order to mark their territory. The three major components of cat urine are uric acid, the stinky part, Urochrome, a pigment that gives characteristic color and Urea, the sticky stuff.

The major components causing foul odors are the growth of bacteria in the carpeting/padding, along with the urea crystallization. This is unhealthy to live with.

What is Home remedy?
Home remedy is the treatment of a condition with the available resources in the home or over-the-counter shops. The main advantage of home remedy is there is no side effects and minimal cost.

Before choosing an appropriate cat urine removal home remedy, check your cat for urinary tract infection. It is very possible that it would be a root cause for inappropriate cat urination. If that’s the problem, get cured up could be the answer. It’s real try!

Cat Urine Smell Remedies
The home remedy for cat urine removal includes white vinegar, baking soda, bleaching or cholorox the area (Just make sure your cat doesn't lick it), enzymes, and some plants.

Vinegar is considered to be a best home remedy for cat urine problem. Initially the urine spot should be blotted up, then strong vinegar and water solution is prepared as a best home remedy for cat urine removal. Apply the vinegar and water solution on the urine spot and let it sit and starts to work. Again blot up the area with rag or paper towel.

Vinegar won’t harm the carpet than the cat urine. Replacing a new carpet is a costly effort than scrubbing and cleaning the carpet and covering the spot with towels to absorb moisture. Don’t allow the cat near the spot.

Baking Soda
Baking soda is also being used to remove cat urine odor. Placing a small heap of baking soda in a corner of an expected room is found to be a perfect home remedy for cat urine odor removal. Even you can add a one pound box of baking soda to your regular detergent while machine washing the soiled carpet.

Another home remedy found useful in removing cat urine from a carpet is ENZYMES. You get enzymes from local janitorial supply, not in regular pet stores. The enzymes break down the urinal proteins stayed back in the carpet. In other words, this is worth the price you pay for it.

Gerbera Daisies and Spider Plant are the plant species helping to remove the cat urine. As cat urine is rich in Ammonia, the smell is absorbed by these plants to facilitate quick cat urine removal.

Other Products
Some of the vets recommend Nature's Miracle. It can be found at a pet store. It has a white bottle, red lettering. It's safe for use with kids and pets around and can even be used in laundry.

Don’t worry!!! Even if your cats are still missing the cat box, your house will smell wonderful with this home remedy for cat urine removal from carpet.

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Cost of buying a cat

Cost of buying a cat needs some kind of analysis and perhaps this analysis has to be carried out by the persons who want to go to purchase a cat species for making their children happy or to make themselves happy. From this point of view, cost of buying a cat may not be an obstructing factor for many persons to affect the purchase of a cat.

During estimation of cost of buying a cat, one should plan and work out systematically. You should aware that the cost of buying a cat will be followed immediately by other costs including the procurement of infrastructure for the building of a cattery or cat dwelling place in the house, with a proper hiding space, purchase of feeding and watering bowls, transport boxes, drug cost, vaccine cost, feed cost, and labor cost related with cleaning of cattery.Even veterinary consultation fee also being taken into consideration. In general, Pedigree cats are costly.

Cost of buying a cat may be minimized if reliable and reasonable members of cat clubs or cat associations are approached before the actual purchase of the cat species. However, one has to thoroughly enquire on the currently prevailing cost of your preferred cat species before going for it.

Some times, the cost of a cat species may be sky-high price, if the concerned cat species is projected in an advertisement program or in some movies itself. There are occasions that due to this propagation, the cost may even be unbearable for normal persons to go for such specific breeds.

Cost of buying a cat may be reduced if orphaned kittens are received from animal welfare group or organizations that normally collect lesser money for such kittens.

Similarly, if you cannot accurately assess the critical factors related to the cost of buying a cat, one may end up in spending up of more money to affect the purchase of cats for the house. Financial assistance is extended by insurance companies to meet out expenditure made towards purchase of drugs, operation charge etc and however, these variations are encountered in insurance facilities and this depends on the concerned rules of the firm.

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Basic Cat Anatomy for Better Understanding of Your Cat

As an owner of a house cat, you should aware of the basic cat anatomy. Once you know about the cat anatomy, it would be easy for you maintaining cats. The body structure of the cat comprises of skeleton and muscles.

The bones including skull bones, pelvic bones, and appendicular skeletal bones (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal vertebrae) are giving enough support and stamina to the cat's body.

The skeleton comprises limb bones like scapula, femur, metacarpal, metatarsal and phalanges. The significant muscular structure comprises muscles like masseter muscle, biceps femoris, triceps, hyoideus, supraspinatus, and infraspinatus muscles. Basic anatomy forms the basis for understanding the cat species.

In basic cat anatomy, coat plays an important role. The coat has primary and secondary hair whereas the color of the coat depends upon the genes and nutrition. The features like medullations are important in the hair materials. The hair of coat develops from follicles and the guard hairs are thickest ones than the secondary hair. Cat's coat is thinner than dog and secondary hair are dominant in cat species.

The claws are retractile in nature and are the specialized structures in basic cat anatomy. The claw has structures compressed laterally. The sole at ventral region is soft and horny walls grow over the sole regions.

Lateral jaw movements are totally absent in cat species and the hunting functions orient to the movement of the prey species rather than the vision related functions of body. The twitching of tail, movement of jaws etc. in basic cat anatomy are well coordinated reflexes in body and the impulses from brain are mediated through nerves for making functions in body.
The mouth and digestive system have important components like buccal region, pharynx, larynx, palates in oral cavity and stomach with intestines. Papillae are many in the tongue region of oral cavity.

Stomach and Intestines
The stomach has pylorus and this gets united with small intestine, which also has outlet through bile duct and pancreatic duct. The small intestine is followed by large intestine.

In basic cat anatomy, small intestine is most important due to its significant physiological function. The food from mouth is passed on to the esophagus and then, it enters into the cardia, then into the body of stomach. From pylorus of stomach, entry of food materials is straight to the duodenum, which is followed by the jejunum, ileum and finally, the intestinal segments.

The intestinal segments comprise of small intestine and large intestine. The large intestinal segments contain cecum, colon and rectum. The rectum ends up in anus, which is a terminal part of gastro-intestinal system. Some of us think that there may be some difference in the anatomy of female cat. There is no such difference except that the male cat penis contains spine.

Wanna add to your cat's longevity? Then, observe your cat and do a perfunctory examination at least for each month to identify health problems early. For this purpose, you do require to know about the basic cat anatomy. So, don't hesitate to learn about this basic cat anatomy. Happy kittens!!!

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A healthy cat makes Happy home

What is healthy cat?

A healthy cat is the one that appears good, revealing no signs of any illness or disease and may not harbor the disease causing pathogens to the significant level.

You can't make your cat pathogen free because of the environment in which it is reared. Hence, the owner who wants to maintain a healthy cat has certain duties to perform during maintaining your cat's health by properly adapting certain basic steps.

Cat Coat Healthy
The coat needs to appear neat but at the same time, it should be healthy. There are many occasions a veterinarian encounter a cat, which looks so healthy at a distance, but on closer clinical investigation, there may be plenty of ticks or lice on the body. If the cat owners want to maintain a healthy cat, it is to be remembered that the effective health care measures start from care of the coat itself.

The cat owner needs to check up the coat frequently by separating hair randomly in different regions of the body, as a priority. A healthy cat should not have signs of itching, excessive scales etc.
If you want to keep your cat healthy, bathing need not be carried out daily and may be done once a week or ten days. Avoid ear infection through water entry into ears.

A healthy cat needs to be looked for any abnormalities in grooming features revealed like excessive grooming etc.
Cat Health Vs Internal Parasites
Similarly, a healthy cat is to be examined for the presence of internal parasites, particularly the Toxacara cati and Toxascaris leonina.
In these, Toxacara cati is even acquired from the ingestion of infected hosts like birds or insects and there are recorded incidences of acquiring of this problem in kittens from queen cat through consuming of milk. Hence, the cat is to be taken to a veterinarian for routine deworming which is generally done once in three months.
Proper vaccination schedules for dealing with disease like feline panleukopenia, feline leukemia, and leptospirosis need to be carried out to maintain a healthy cat. The cattery needs to be kept neat and use suitable disinfectant that don't cause allergy in the cats. These steps are essential ones for a healthy cat.

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Emergency Milk Replacement Recipe for Kittens

So, you have lost the queen cat during her delivery. Now You're having handful of kittens only.Or your queen have no milk for feeding her kittens. You may think of commercially available kitten milk replacer. Do you know you can prepare a recipe for your beloved kittens in your home itself
One envelope knox unflavored gelatin should be mixed in 12 oz. boiling water. Then add the following ingredients-

1 egg yolk

1 table spoons light corn syrup

2 tablespoons plain yogurt

2 tablespoons mayonnaise

1 12 oz. can evaporated canned milk
Mix all the contents in a mixer to get dissolved completely. Store it in a refrigerator in a covered bowl. You can keep this stuff for seven days. It adds between 15-20 grams on kittens a day.
This gloop recipe finds it way in saving more than one sick or orphan kitten. I heard wonderous stories from the owners used this recipe for their cats.

Other Recipe
Although these recipes are imbalanced nutritionally, but will suffice for several days until you get a commercial formulas. KMR is the most preferred product for raisng orphan kittens.
Some of the owners think that they can replace either goat milk or dairy milk, but it is not advisable. In addition to this, feeding of raw white and honey should be avoided completely. Raw egg white may lead to Biotin deficiency. Honey may contain dreadful bacteria, which may be fatal to the kittens. Hence use of this gloop recipe for kittens is highly appreciable.

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Things to Think Before Buying a Cat

Before you get a cat, factors related to the economy of the cat purchase and rearing, choosing strategies of house cat species, mindset of children in both cat purchasing and subsequent rearing in the house need to be given priorities.

Such activities will help in reducing the problems that are expected to happen to anybody who want to have cats newly to their houses. Of course, the technical messages that can be gained during the search for these criteria may be of definite help in the future management of their cats in a more successful manner when compared to the men who never venture like this but straight away want to go for the cat rearing.

However to reduce the cost factor, one has to consult other cat breeders The concept of male vs. female also has to be considered before you get a cat either from a well-reputed cat breeder or from a cat owner.
The features that are related with rearing of female cats like requirement of a separate den in a cat house, need of specialized feeding arrangements like provision of calcium to lactating cats etc. are to be considered, before you get a cat.

Before you get a cat, the health care measures related with children have to be paid additional emphasis because of the fact that some zoonotic diseases that are capable of affecting children who get closely associated with caring of house cat may affect the children. Consider the liking of children on the appearance of coat in the cat species before the purchase of a cat.

Hence, health based precautions need to be adapted, before you get a cat into the house with children and many of the children may not take adequate preventive steps required during cat rearing, in reality. If you maintain cautions, then happiness can be anticipated due to the owning of a cat among children of the house.

Veterinary Help

Hesitations should not be present before you get a cat in consulting a veterinary doctor with regard to the selection of cat species, steps required with maintenance of skin and information on diseases in cats. Keep the house equipped with all required basic facilities, associated with purchasing of a new cat like feeding bowl, watering bowl, towels, transport carrier or box for shifting of cat in any warranting situations like during the incidence of some illness or during visit of any guest's house in evening etc. So before you get a cat, be satisfied with all cat related information

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Get to Know the Feeding Habits of Orphaned Cats

The normal feeding habit of the orphaned cat gets affected when the cat gets in to any kind of digestive disturbances such as diarrhea, constipation, pain in the stomach etc.

Instead of forcing the orphaned cat to eat what one feeds when the cats is having above-mentioned problem, one should get to the root cause of the problem and try alleviating it.

The feeding habit may differ from cat to cat based on age, size and physiological status of the cat as well as climatic condition.

Feeding habits of orphaned cats

When the food [meat pieces] was placed in front of the healthy cat, it will lick the food first by its tongue, which is rough. Then biting and swallowing follows.

In case the movement of the head is proper while swallowing the food, then one can be sure that there is no problem such as choke. The food that is provided to the orphaned cat should come in time. The feeding time schedule must be fixed. Otherwise just like the human being the digestive secretions will destroy the stomach, in the absence of food.

The changed feeding habits may be due the physiological changes or pathological changes in the body. One should be able to differentiate the changes mentioned-above so that he can approach the veterinarian for help, if the changes are due to pathological changes. Besides the feeding habit also changes based depending on the palatability of the food.

If the cat owner has the habit of feeding the cat with warm food and he provides cold food by any chance suddenly then the cat may not eat the food provided.

In the same way if the owner provides warm food for the cat, which is used to cold food, there again there will be change in the feeding time, feeding quantity etc.

Feeding Wheat Grass and Juice to Cats
One way to help your orphan cat to digest vegetables is nothing but feeding wheat grass and juice to cats to every meal.The main advantage of feeding wheat grass and juice to your orphan cat is that it has a molecular structure similar to the hemoglobin of human blood and is exceedingly high in chlorophyll, which is a blood of the plant.

Feeding Cats with Fishes

We know very well that the fish is the most preferred food by the cat. When the cat is provided with fish during its dying moment, even then the cat will make all efforts to eat the fish before dying. So much is the liking of the cat towards fish.

When the fish is provided to the orphaned cat, one can notice that the cat eats it hurriedly, which will not be the case with other foodstuffs. The water needs to be provided to the cat in the trough.

The cat will use its tongue to lap the water. The normal feeding habits of the orphaned cat must be well understood by the cat owner. Only then he can find out if there is any deviation or abnormality which can be corrected by taking the help from veterinarian.

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How To Stop Cat Scratching

Whether your cat scratching door frams in the house? Do you think this it is difficult to stop cat scratching? No... You can offer your cat a healthy alternative to satisfy their scratching needs.
First and foremost thing is go to your pet store and purchase some heavy plastic sheeting or double-sided carpet tape. You can use this temporary measures until your critter learns to scratch an approved target.

More or less cats are like us, after all, both of us are mammals. Scratching is a natural phenomena of felids. They scratch because they mark the territory and deposit scent on it. In home, it is a way for your felid to say you are mine.

You can trim your cats nail. I am not talking about declawing. Just trim the nails. You so they accept it as part of routine grooming. If it is not possible for you to do regularly, then purchase a good vertical cat scratching post and begin training

Beware your cats are not a pug or a doberman to train them. You'll need to train your cat hecticly to adopt to this situation of using cat scratching posts. Cat training is a fun process and straightforward, which always succeds if you follow a method that works and have a descent cat scratching pole. The cat scratching pole should attract your cat's attention.
Some of the owners are using soft claws for the kiities to prevent the sofa and drapes get injured.

As bottom line, you can stop cat scratching problems by routine nail trimming, covering the claws with soft claws and using cat scratching posts. By following these simple solutions you can stop cat scratching your sofa and/or chair and also you'll avoid a good deal of futility and frustration.

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Table Scraps- cheers or tears for your cat

Some people have the tendency to give their kitten the table scraps and other leftovers. This is a very bad habit that is practiced for the kitten.

A good balanced meal is essential for your kitten when it is very young. At around three months the kitten should be fed with four meals a day and this can be reduced gradually to three meals by the time it reaches six or seven months.

The meals that are given to your kitten should have proper vitamins and minerals for growth. This is very essential in the foods that you give. Always consult your veterinary surgeon on the type of diet that has to be followed for your kitten for a healthy growth.

Table scraps would upset the balanced diet and might sometimes lead to other problems like diarrhea and other allergic reactions in your kitten. Excessive weight gain is also one of the side effects of such type of feeding.

You can also look at foods that are designed and created for the kittens especially. Don't feed your kitten with the dog foods you have. These commercial foods are available in a different varieties and tastes.
Try some flavors with your kitten and it he likes it give it to him during meals. If your kitten leaves any food untouched just change that food and try some other alternative.
The commercials foods have the right mix of vitamins and minerals necessary for the healthy growth of the kitten. Fresh water is needed frequently for your kitten if you foods contain dried items. It is better to fill out the water pan with fresh water frequently.

Avoid fresh and raw meat for your kitten. Give him cooked food, as it is easy for digestion. Meat, egg, tinned food, and fish are mostly preferred for kitten. Food rich in protein are essential. Don't give you kitten the byproducts of chicken like the head, feet and intestine, since they are difficult to digest.

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veling With Your Cat- a Night or Day on road

Traveling with cat needs to be carried out with due precaution. If your transport box doesn’t have adequate holes, your beloved cat may suffer from suffocation due to lack of ventilation. Hence you ought to know about the suitable carrier for your cats.

Locking Facilities
If the lock facilities are not proper, then you may lose your cat and will be blinking on how to answer your children who are found attached with the cats. Further, the cat owners may themselves get depressed in such occasions. Hence, one has to be over precaution in the locking facilities of the transport box for the cat.

Feeding the traveling cats

You should not feed your cat with stomach full before travel, as it will lead to stomach upset- gastritis and there’s nothing coming out the other end, either. If your traveling time is not more than 12-15 hrs at a stretch, your cat doesn’t really need to eat, drink, poop, or pee.

Extra facilities in litter box
While traveling with your cat, you should take maximum care to avoid dribbling of urine from the transport box. The co-traveler might get embarrassed, if the spillage of urine is noticed.

Hence the design of the transport box should be made in such a way that the urine or feces voided should not get dispensed out and also not to soil the body of the cat. This should be frequently monitored.

Traveling with stress-free cats
Even you can seek your vet’s help to administer some drugs that will alleviate stress on travel. But the earlier side effects of such drugs should be discussed with your vet prior to administration. The travel sickness when traveling with cats could be avoided by giving selected drug also. Do carry a first aid box- particularly during the prolonged traveling with your cat.

Homeremedy for traveling cats
If you want to keep your cat in stress-free environment, you can use this Rescue remedy. This nothing but mixing the essences of five flowers viz., Impatients, Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Clematis and Cherry plum. This is available in most of the health food shops.

You ought put four drops on the tongue or if you find difficult to put it on the tongue, you can apply it on the cat’s paws, ear, or any place really. Even you can mix these flower essences in the cat’s water bowl before travel. (Flower essences won’t harm the cat in any way.)

Litter Box Care
As a perfect cat owner, you should not give your cat’s litter box to your neighbor who rear cats because of the fact that their cat may contaminate the box. You don’t know such person’s cat might not have been protected properly with vaccinations or not have undergone the required worming procedures, unlike you.
During traveling with your cat, all these steps are more necessary and if not, traveling with your cat, you may end up in problems not only to you but also to your cat.

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What Are General Cat Health Issues

Cat health issues are most significant ones in the current periods because these issues are directly related to the safety of your cats. Yeah... Cat health issues have to be properly understood if you want to be a successful cat breeder.
Cat health issues pertaining to licking is an important one. Cats always exhibit the habit of licking the skin regions. Yeah. The biology of the species reveals this as reported by many authors in scientific literatures.

But if it licks vigorously and in an intensified manner over one place only on the body, then it becomes one of the cat health issues.

Yeah. In such occasions, the animal might be affected by fungal infections or even some skin related parasitic conditions like sarcoptic mange conditions or demodicosis condition.

Similarly, vaccination related measures have to be given maximum priorities always. Yeah. This is true.
The cats are more vulnerable to the attack by various viral antigens like feline infectious peritonitis virus, feline immunodeficiency virus, feline panleukpenia virus, rabies, distemper etc.
So, you need to give proper vaccination by consulting a veterinarian in time for all these measures related to the enrichment of health status in your cat.
If your cat is bitten by any large sized bandicoot, then you might have to rush up to the veterinarian for the proper therapy.
Similarly, if the cat gets an injury from a sharp nail or any other iron based object, you may have to go for the protective measures pertaining to the prevention of tetanus.

Leptospirosis may cause jaundice in the cats and the contaminated water source and contact with the rats that are carriers of this disease causing serovars become the major causal factors related with the affection of cats by the leptospiral organisms.

Parasitic burden becomes one more issue in the cats. Ok? You need to tackle the incidence of round worm problems, tape worm problems, hook worm problems and some times, the heart worm problems.

Cestodiasis is to be given maximum significance in case of kittens in particular. The issues may often relate to the occurrence of bloody motion.
The cause may often be the coccidial organisms and in these cases, the affected cats become dull, in addition to having of reduced movements. Health related activities are totally absent in such occasions.

Cat health issues become more important if the cats exhibit continuous type of severe vomiting. Yeah... Cat health issues are to be reviewed in such atmosphere in a systematic manner.

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Get To Know about Cat Insurance

Cat insurance plans have to be reviewed with patience but at the same time intellectually. Yes. Be careful in selecting the cat insurance policy plan for your pet animal like cat.
Got it? There are many firms that can settle almost eighty per cent of actual expenditure made at your end for the treatment of the ailing cat without many complications.
Hence, you need to see the earlier successful claim related information pertaining to the firm you are going to deal for cat insurance purpose.
There are many steps you have to analyze before entering for the payment with regard to this cat insurance.

Make sure about the compensation if your cat acquires some chronic problems or illnesses like diabetes or cancer. Many times, the chronic illnesses may not be fully covered and however, all these items are actually depending on the concerned firm.
You can get online the information or the quote about the insurance. Be careful about the going through of the conditions that are made by the concerned insurance firms related to your pet animal.
You have to provide the details like your cat name, breed, neutering or spaying date, major diseases if any during the time of making deal for insurance purpose, email address, zip code, postal address etc.
However, you have to make sure that the premium is coming within your estimated budget to avoid the future worries about the expenditure for insurance.
You have to select the firm that can provide you the money that can meet your true cost of meeting the unexpected accidents or diseases in your loving cat.
The policy should often allow you a wider option in selecting the veterinarian and if needed a specialized veterinarian. Similarly, the emergency condition may occur like accident or any sudden illness for your cat at any time.
Have a check in your policy plan projected by the firm whether the claims are permitted subsequent to the treatment of your cat in night or odd hours of the day.
Many times, you may get confused to find that the disease condition quoted in your claim may not be settled fully. Hence, you have to know about the diseases that are not quoted in your policy while you enter the agreement with the concerned firm.
Get more quotes and then compare well. Then you need to select the firm and you should not regret later about cat insurance. Now you know something on the cat insurance.

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Cat Toilet Training Have You ever tried this tip?

There as been a long and heated debate on whether or not to toilet training your cat. Both sides have fielded arguments for and againts it. But as cleaning litter boxes become more and more of a chore, an increasing number of cat-owners have decided to look into cat toilet training, hoping to forever be freed from tedious raking of stinky sands. If you're one of them, you've come to the right place to look into Cat Toilet Training.
This method works by gradually allowing your cat to shift from litter boxes to toilet bowls. Remember, however, that the personality and disposition of each individual cat means that the process may take longer or shorter than is expected.
The amount of time you're willing to invest in doin it also determines how well the cat adjusts to the new scenario.
The Method
Before we begin the cat toilet training, you will need to gather a few items essential to the task : The litter box your cat is presently using, a stool of about the same height as your toilet bowl and a bowl that would fit into the toilet.
First, move the litter box into the washroom, placing it right next to the toilet. Your cat should be allowed a few days to adjust to the boxes new location.

Next, we need to train the cat to jump to the height of the toilet seat. We do this by placing the litter box on the stool, place adjacent to the toilet bowl.

Make sure to leave the lid down for the first few days so that your cat may walk on top of it. After that, you may lift it up. Your cat would need to get used to manouvering around the toilet seat.

After your cat is comfortable with the toilet bowl, you may replace the litter box with a litter-filled bowl, placed directly inside the toilet. This will take some time for the cat to get used to. Make sure your cat is comfortable placing his or her paws on the toilet seat instead of inside the bowl. We wouldn't want somebody to take a swim now do we?

, you may remove the bowl completely. As long as there aren't any other litter boxes in your house, your cat should stick to the toilet bowl as the preferred location to do his or her business. Now if only we can train them to flush... That's all- You've completed- cat toilet training.

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Cat Health Tips

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Funny Velentines Day Card

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  1. Cat Vs Dog Fight-1 
  2. Cat Vs Dog Fight-2
  3. Cat Vs Dog Fight-3
  4. Cat Vs Dog Fight-4
  5. Cat Vs Dog Fight-5
  6. Cat Vs. Dog Fight-6 
  7. Baby and Cat Friendship
  8. Baby and Cat
  9. Baby and Cat-1
  10. Baby and Cat Sleeping
  11. Cat and Dog Friendship
  12. Cat and Dog Friendship -1
  13. Cat and Dog Friendship -2
  14. Dog Watching Tv
  15. Animal Fight
  16. Lion-tiger-vs-giraffe
  17. Crazy-tiger-attack 
  18. Big-lion-fight

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Big Lion Fight

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Crazy Tiger Attack

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Lion Tiger Vs Giraffe

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Animal Fight

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Dog watching TV

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cat and dog friendship-2

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cat and dog friendship-1

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cat and dog friendship

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Baby and Cat Sleeping

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Baby and Cat-1

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Baby and Cat

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Baby and Cat Friendship

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Cat Vs Dog Fight-6

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Cat Vs Dog Fight-5

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Cat Vs Dog Fight-4

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Cat Vs Dog Fight-3

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Cat Vs Dog Fight-2

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Cat Vs Dog Fight-1

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Funny Rabit

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Funny Dog

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Funny dog jumping

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