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Cat Health And Cat Care Tips

Poor cat health can be easily avoided with a little attention to good cat care and will extend the life of your pet, and save you money on veterinary bills. Although most cats are strong and independent pets, they still need your help to stay healthy and fit.

If you have cat health questions, we have some helpful answers. The best way to keep your cat healthy is exercise, access to fresh water, and nutritious food. Even if your cat stays indoors, make sure they have toys and proper cat scratching post. Something as simple as a rolled up sock or small ball to roll around can keep your cat amused for hours.

Indoor cats love to look out the windows and watch what's going on in the world. It's like a cat TV and making it easy for your cat to watch the world is important. You can clear a spot or even make a small platform in front of favorite windows to give your cat easy access.

Try to keep the table scraps to a minimum and always keep any toxic materials safely stored away. Cats health care is about proper feeding and providing a safe environment. Indoor plants seem to be a favorite of some cats so pay attention to what plants you have out and make sure they are harmless.

If you have any good cat care advice, cat care, or kitten care tips, please send us details and we'll be happy to post it on our site. If you have any cat health questions not already answered, please submit them. And any good recommendations on any cats health care issues, cat health problems, cat grooming, or home remedies are welcome.

We have three sections on different categories of Cat information. Cat Health, Cat Care, and Cats As Pets. Each section has information to help you deal with your cat and the may aspects of pet ownership. We do plan on adding some more specific breed information soon.

We also have some great home recipes for Healthy Homemade Cat Food and Treats that you can make for your cat. The Healthy Homemade Cat Food Recipes are in PDF format (Adobe Reader) and can be downloaded from our Cat Books and Cat Resources web page. There are also several articles on cat food that can help you decide what's the best food for your pet.

Sick Cat Symptoms - Caution!
This website (or any other website for that matter) can not do a proper diagnoses of any serious cat illness because they can't examine the cat. We can answer many cat health questions but cannot diagnosis specific problems. The web is a great place to do research, get help on prevention, and general cat care. But it should never be used as a replacement for emergency treatment of a serious medical condition or illness by a trained professional. If your cat is exhibiting any of the following cat illness symptoms, you should immediately seek professional medical treatment from a local veterinarian.

not eating or drinking in the past 18 hours

A normally social cat displays abnormal behavior like hissing,
hiding, and/or seeking dark places to hide.

Vomiting beyond the occasional hairball or eating too fast

Showing signs of breathing improperly or coughing continuously.

Any of these cat symptoms can indicate a serious and even life threatening illness or injury to your cat. Knowing your cat's normal behavior and noticing any serious deviation is a sure sign of a serious medical issue. Many cats don't exhibit cat health symptoms until the situation is past any normal treatments and will require some quick action on your part to remedy the situation. We highly recommend you seek professional medical help as soon as possible if your cat exhibits any of the cat illness symptoms above.

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