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veling With Your Cat- a Night or Day on road

Traveling with cat needs to be carried out with due precaution. If your transport box doesn’t have adequate holes, your beloved cat may suffer from suffocation due to lack of ventilation. Hence you ought to know about the suitable carrier for your cats.

Locking Facilities
If the lock facilities are not proper, then you may lose your cat and will be blinking on how to answer your children who are found attached with the cats. Further, the cat owners may themselves get depressed in such occasions. Hence, one has to be over precaution in the locking facilities of the transport box for the cat.

Feeding the traveling cats

You should not feed your cat with stomach full before travel, as it will lead to stomach upset- gastritis and there’s nothing coming out the other end, either. If your traveling time is not more than 12-15 hrs at a stretch, your cat doesn’t really need to eat, drink, poop, or pee.

Extra facilities in litter box
While traveling with your cat, you should take maximum care to avoid dribbling of urine from the transport box. The co-traveler might get embarrassed, if the spillage of urine is noticed.

Hence the design of the transport box should be made in such a way that the urine or feces voided should not get dispensed out and also not to soil the body of the cat. This should be frequently monitored.

Traveling with stress-free cats
Even you can seek your vet’s help to administer some drugs that will alleviate stress on travel. But the earlier side effects of such drugs should be discussed with your vet prior to administration. The travel sickness when traveling with cats could be avoided by giving selected drug also. Do carry a first aid box- particularly during the prolonged traveling with your cat.

Homeremedy for traveling cats
If you want to keep your cat in stress-free environment, you can use this Rescue remedy. This nothing but mixing the essences of five flowers viz., Impatients, Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Clematis and Cherry plum. This is available in most of the health food shops.

You ought put four drops on the tongue or if you find difficult to put it on the tongue, you can apply it on the cat’s paws, ear, or any place really. Even you can mix these flower essences in the cat’s water bowl before travel. (Flower essences won’t harm the cat in any way.)

Litter Box Care
As a perfect cat owner, you should not give your cat’s litter box to your neighbor who rear cats because of the fact that their cat may contaminate the box. You don’t know such person’s cat might not have been protected properly with vaccinations or not have undergone the required worming procedures, unlike you.
During traveling with your cat, all these steps are more necessary and if not, traveling with your cat, you may end up in problems not only to you but also to your cat.

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