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Puppies Personality

  for the appearance of boxer puppies it is quite ordinary. They usually grow up to a mid size. But boxer puppies have some interesting traits of character that is why most of them become useful dogs. There are some reasons for this.

Boxer puppies have sweet temperament by nature. Trainers usually admit that working with this breed is easy and give puppies a lot of time and attention. They are not aggressive at all. Some boxer puppies are highly energetic (like poodle puppies) and bad tempered, but this is rather an exception but not the rule.

Boxer puppies are known to be incredibly intelligent and obedient. That makes them good for police operations. In spite of the puppies size they become protective dogs. Their senses are very sharp. That is why they are often used as guard dogs.

Boxer puppies are clever so the training may be start very early. These puppies like children absorbed everything you teach them. It is necessary to denote here that boxer puppies remember and understand verbal commands better than gestures. These traits give boxers advantages over other breeds (pug puppies,maltese puppies, rottweiler puppies or puppies bulldog).

Socialization of boxer puppies should be started as soon as it is possible. They are to be integrated into the family. There must be the leader in the family otherwise your boxers have a chance to claim leadership. Never let them do so! Such leadership may cause you undesirable problems. You should assert your authority firmly. But never use violence, love your pets.  Don’t shout at boxer puppies but speak in a firm manner.

Luckily, boxer puppies become smart dogs and rarely create undesirable situations for the owners. Of course boxer puppies may be mischievous sometimes, but in most cases they are just expressing their playful nature. 

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