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Puppies Training Tips

Yorkie puppies like puppies of other breeds (e.g.: Pug puppies, like Maltese puppies, Shih Tzu puppies,Poodle puppies, etc.) have some peculiarities of training. The owners who start training their Yorkie puppies usually make one common mistake of giving attention to their pets when it is not suitable at all. Let us consider an example.

When your Yorkie puppies are jumping up and down your legs, you usually take them off and put to the ground saying their names and “no bad puppy”. But what your puppies actually hear?  Yorkie puppies do not understand the meaning of the words “no bad puppy” but think that by playing with your legs they make you give them attention and continue jumping up and down.

Yorkie puppies rely upon their instincts that is why you should show them who is the leader and establish your dominance otherwise your puppies will take no notice of what you will be teaching them. How to establish your leadership? First of all you should make your Yorkie puppies do everything after you. If you want to leave or enter the house make puppies follow you. Do not let them go before you. You should have your meal before puppies. Never let Yorkie puppies be at the level higher than you. They must not sit on your bed or chair. Put your puppies away from your way and don’t try to go around them. You shouldn’t clean the potty of Yorkie puppies before them.

There is no necessity for punishing or scolding Yorkie puppies. When you learn principal methods of Yorkies, understand their thinking process and the reasons for their actions you will be able to react to puppies’ behavior quickly and change it in the way you need.

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